Russian Tea Cakes


It’s been cold here in Wellington this week and I have been craving sugar after dinner. I blame that on all these cooking shows I have been watching every week night, so either during or after the show I am eating some sort of sugar.
My absolute favourite is My Kitchen Rules (an aussie cooking competition) and yes there is a bit of drama and all that
but I enjoy watching ordinary people cooking up cool dishes… and all you women who watch it for Manu … I don’t watch it for him!
It was the semifinals this week, and I had already eaten ice-cream two nights in a row, so I decided to make some Russian Tea cakes.
The first time I made them, I was in university – it was Christmas and I was visiting family in Kuwait. It was a great hit!

K was out at church for a youth meeting, so I decided to make this quickly before he got home. He loves sweet sugary coated surprises,
so he got all excited when he knew something was in the oven when he got home. I love how this sweet little dish is made with pantry basics.
If you don’t have these ingredients in your kitchen, you definitely need to work on stocking up that pantry. Hope you enjoy this one … it was so good both warm (yes we couldn’t wait to eat it) and even after it cooled down.

All purpose flour: 2 1/4cups
Unsalted Butter: 1 cup
Icing Sugar: 1/2 cup + another cup for coating
Vanilla: 1 tsp
Salt: 1 tsp
Nuts: 1 cup (walnuts, pecans, cashews or almonds – go with what you like)

Preheat the oven to 400F

Mix the cup of unsalted melted butter, the icing sugar and vanilla.

Next add the flour and salt. Last but not least goes in the nuts.Go with your favourite kind.

Finally make 1 inch balls, place on a baking tray and bake for 12-15min. They should be almost
done once they hit the 10-12min mark, but keep an eye on them.

Take them out and gently toss in some icing sugar. Once it was cooled, I tossed it with some more icing sugar.

Serve this with a cuppa.